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Service type | Distance | Weight limit | Size limit | Suitable for | Up to 3 big pets | Rent trolley | Round trip | Extra Manpower | Restricted zone | No lift landing |
Walker | up to 700m | Up to 3kg | 35 × 25 × 10 cm | Documents & Groceries | NO | NO | YES | NO | NO | YES |
Bicycle | 701m to 3km | Up to 5kg | 40 × 30 × 15 cm | Documents, Smaller Parcels & Groceries etc | NO | NO | YES | NO | NO | YES |
Motorcycle | Island wide | Up to 10kg | 50 × 45 × 45 cm | Documents, Parcels, Groceries, Small Electronic device etc | NO | NO | YES | NO | YES | YES |
Car | Island wide | Up to 25kg | 70 × 50 × 50 cm | Documents, Parcels, Flowers, Glassware, Electronics, Groceries, etc | YES | YES | YES | NO | YES | YES |
MPV | Island wide | Up to 60kg | 110 × 80 × 50 cm | Small Parcels, Flowers, Glassware, Electronic, Furniture, etc | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Van, 1.7m | Island wide | Up to 350kg | 160 × 120 × 100 cm | Parcels, Flowers, Glassware, Electronic, Furniture & Odd size items | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Van, 2.4m | Island wide | Up to 480kg | 230 × 120 × 120 cm | Parcels, Flowers, Glassware, Electronic, Furniture & Odd size items | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Lorry | Island wide | Up to 1000kg | 420 × 170 × 190 cm | Boxes, Electronics, furniture & Odd size items etc | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
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