Ensure a safe experience
Secure a steady income
Get ongoing assistance
Set your own schedule
Ensure a safe experience.
Secure a steady income.
Get ongoing assistance.
Set your own schedule.
Trip accident coverage
Get paid
Higher-value job opportunities
Zero Contract, Unlimited Data Plans
Performance & Trip incentive
Exclusively for
new drivers
Trip accident coverage
Get paid instantly
Higher-value job opportunities
Zero Contract, Unlimited Data Plans
Performance & Trip incentive
Exclusively for new drivers
Register by fleet type
Enjoy zero commission
More money, less hours
Be your own boss
Register by fleet type
Enjoy zero commission
More money, less hours
Be your own boss
Savings up to 23%
Enjoy up to 10% off
Enjoy up to 5% off
Up to 10% off
Enjoy 5% off
Up to 10% off
Savings up to 23%
Enjoy up to 10% off
Enjoy up to 5% off
Up to 10% off
Enjoy 5% off
Up to 10% off
Approved platform driver-partners are eligible for WICA coverage in the event of an accident. Click here.
Download the Geolah app.
You can update your name and mobile number easily through the app:
Menu > Edit > Save
For the security and privacy of all users, Geolah requires each user to have their own individual account. This ensures that personal information like phone numbers and email addresses are associated with the correct user and minimizes the risk of unauthorized access or fraudulent activity.
Improve the housing and retirement adequacy of platform workers by aligning their CPF contribution rates with those of traditional employees.
All driver-partners who transact on the Geolah platform from January 1, 2025, are eligible for WICA coverage for accident-related injuries sustained while working.